
WELCOME TO ALL NEW VISITORS AND USERS OF THE SUBTLEREALM WEBSITE! Edgar, Michael and I intend this site to serve all those who are exploring ideas about extending consciousness beyond the confines of the human body. We expect the site to grow and evolve over time as the needs of seekers explorers and experimenters become better defined through dialog exchange and mutual support. We will be engaging peoples' participation in various ways:

1. No book, article, research paper or movie will be suggested without one of us first having read and written a review of it; see the Reviews page. Each of these resources will also be listed on the References page.

2. Since many sources either come from cultures and disciplines long pre-existing our own and since the terminology does not in many cases have equivalents in the English language we will be engaged in evolving a vocabulary; this can be found on the Glossary page. As in any discipline or science creating a terminology where each word has a specific meaning and usage will facilitate the clarity of our conversations with one another. This will help us deepen our understanding of each other and the topics we seek to explore.

3. A forum will facilitate discussion of various topics ideas and experiences. You can find this on the Forums page. Although you can read ongoing discussions there you will need to sign up for and be accepted as a participant before being able to submit questions comments and experiences. Be sure to read and signal your adherence to the Acceptable Use policy in order to submit your request for admittance. 

We look forward to meeting with others as we continue on this most interesting journey of discovery!