Sparks Flying From my Phyician's Shoulder

Edgar Reyes's picture

A couple years ago I had a very good family doctor. My first born was his 10th and final baby he had to deliver as part of his residency. We followed him to his full-time practice after that. We stayed at his practice for several years, until he moved away to California.

He was the best doctor I ever had. He was very friendly and thoughtful, and he truly listened to your concerns and answered your questions thoroughly. He had a lot of positive energy, loved his work, and loved his patients.

One day I was consulting with him during my son's regular yearly checkup when, suddenly, I clearly saw 2 bright white points of light fly off of his left shoulder. I followed the points of light with my eyes as they flew off to his left and behind him. I quickly looked back at my doctor to see what he would say about what I had just witnessed, but he seemed to not even have noticed. I quickly realized that nobody had observed the sparks, other than myself.

I've never known what to make of this, but I think it has something to do with seeing something of a subtle nature while awake in my physical body.

Can anyone shed any light on this?

Olga's picture

I think quite a few people who practice medicine work with higher help! Thanks for sharing!