My Current Exercise

I'm aching for another subtle world experience like the one I described here that took place several months ago.  In that instance, I practiced affirmations about being out of body and having full awareness for 2 weeks before it happened.

So, now, I have my alarm set to every hour to remind me to do these affirmations.  "I am out of body now!!"  "Full awareness now!"  "Clarity Now!".  These are exercises recommended in William Buhlman's book Adventures Beyond the Body -a great reference and guide-book for anyone who wants to get serious about having experiences in the subtle world.  

It is absolutely possible to become 100% consciouss and aware in the dream state.  I'm speaking from that one experience I've had when I say, it's an experience that is just as real and alive as the waking state.  It blew my mind when I found myself there, fully aware.  I'm determined to have more experiences like that one.


Hi, I've been writing down my dreams for years, and sometimes they are vivid and sometimes just ordinary. My experience of dreams has changed though as I've gotten older and my sleep has been interrupted by (pardon me, ahead of time for mentioning this issue) getting up to go to the bathroom. I find that I sleep about 2 to 3 hours and then get up. Apparently this is quite normal for older folks. At any rate, I'd like to write the dreams down, but find that because my attention is on the physical issue, the dream recall slips. I have tried the exercises in Buhlman's book, with mixed success, but keep using the affirmations before I go to sleep. Usually I'm asleep when my head hits the pillow! Thanks for your post, it's very encouraging, and I'm learning a lot reading the blog and forum posts.