Lo and Behold

So I’m thinking to myself, “Self, I know that when I meditate regularly, my ability to remember my dreams gets better, and when I don’t meditate this ability tends to go away. How can I find a way to back this up with science?”

So then my self had a great idea, and I went looking for proof on the Interwebz. Lo and Behold, I found an article over at Science Daily that supports this notion by saying that, “During meditation, theta waves were most abundant in the frontal and middle parts of the brain.” You can check it out here: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/03/100319210631.htm

When I read that, some of the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I recently wrote a couple of reviews of scientific studies that asked questions about how we can predict when people can remember their dreams, and increased theta activity in the frontal cortex was a predictive factor in both studies. My reviews are here and here

So there you have it, folks. If you want to remember your dreams and have a more active, rewarding experience when you’re in the subtle world, meditate regularly. Training the mind to be in a state where frontal theta activity is increased is a scientifically proven way to get there. No drugs, no crystals, no magic...just good old meditation.