Possibly My First OBE

Edgar Reyes's picture

Below is my journal entry from what is possibly my first OBE.  I say possibly, because a few months have gone by and nothing like it has happened again.  At the time I was very sure that it was an OBE, but now, I've had a few doubts.  Even if it wasn't, however, it was still the most lucid dream experience of my life.  


I transitioned into my first OBE from a lucid dream –the most lucid dream of my life.

I was with a friend in a desert scene. We were jumping for height and distance. This is something I do for fun whenever I become lucid to any degree in my dreams. I could jump higher than he… and I eventually decided to just stay in the air floating/flying. I told him I would teach him how to jump higher and asked him to follow me to the top of a nearby cliff. Once at the top, I told him “it’s easier than you think,” then I looked down the cliff at the sand about 100 feet below. At that point, I made a startling discovery. “Holy crap!!” I said to myself, “I’m totally present. I’m here! I’m really here!” “Wow,” I continued… “What should I do?” I looked back down at the earth below and said to myself, “I’m going to jump. And I’m going to totally let myself go. I don’t know what’ll happen, but I trust.”

I swan dived off the side of the cliff. As the earth approached me I didn’t get scared, I stayed calm. When I was 2 feet above the ground, I suddenly became suspended in mid-air. I also noticed lots of vibrations. Having experienced this through several practices is Buhlman’s “targeting” technique, I allowed myself to sink into it and for the vibrations to spread throughout my whole body. Everything got dark and I heard a pulsating sound.

When I opened my eyes, I was in my room! At the foot of my bed, to be exact. I looked over my shoulder and sure enough, there I lay, sleeping!!! I looked away quickly because I didn’t want to begin thinking about my body and thereby get pulled back into it (as Buhlman wrote). I closed my eyes and concentrated on something else. First thing that came to mind were my wife and kids (who were sleeping in the other room this night), so I focused on them. Again the vibrations, sounds and darkness. I opened my eyes in the hallway outside my bedroom door. I couldn’t see so well, so I called out, “Clarity now!” and I felt my consciousness drifting, so I also called out, “full awareness now!!”, just as Buhlman suggests. It worked. I could see things come into focus better, but honestly, it was still very hard to see, as it was very dark still. I started walking over to the room where my wife and kids were.

I found them awake on the bed. Compared to the whole environment, they were quite bright. I could see them well. “Can you see me?? I asked them. “Yes,” they said. “Wow! I’m asleep in the other room!” I exclaimed. “My body’s asleep over there! And here I am!!” They smiled.

I said, “Watch this, son!” and I stuck my hand into the wall, feeling the vibrations thereof. “Touch my arm!” I held it out and my son put his hand about 2 inches above my forearm and we both felt intense energy vibrations. Then I looked up at the ceiling and said to myself, “oh yeah, I can jump up there and get stuck in it.” So I jumped, and sure enough, my head got stuck in the ceiling. I couldn’t see what was on the other side.

Maybe next time!

After this I slipped back into a lucid dream and never got back to out of body.

Hi Edgar. Have you had any experiences since and were you trying some method to produce them or did they occur spontaneously?


Edgar Reyes's picture

No, nothing since, unfortunately.  I'm going to revisit Buhlman's book and practice the exercises he suggests again.  If all goes well, I shall have something to report soon :)

Mashinka's picture

I recall a dream in which I saw myself in the gown I was wearing that night but I was in Rome, Italy, where I was going to go a couple of months later. I was looking for a particular street, via Ticino, I don't know why that particular street.  When I got to Rome I stayed at a friend's and I asked her where is via Ticino? she said it is very close by. I have no recall of sensations in my body, but it looks like, in the dream, I was out of my body.