Targeting Technique

Edgar Reyes's picture

This exercise helps you learn to leave your body with more ease. Like all other experiments listed here, it should be tried once or twice a day for 2-4 weeks to see some results. 

Lay on your bed or couch, get comfortable, and take several long, deep breaths. Sink into relaxation.

Pick 3 items in your living room on which you will spend some time focusing, one after the other. Sculptures are good, especially if it's something you've created yourself. Things that are colorful or have a lot of texture work very well also.

One after another, spend about 5 minutes examining the object in your mind's eye. Observe it's contours and shape, it's colors; pick it up and feel its weight and texture. Look at it from all points of view.

Afterwards, begin to walk around the room (in your mind) and look/examine other objects in the room.


*This technique is given by William Buhlman in his book, "Adventures Beyond the Body" (see references or book reviews for more info)

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