"Recapitulation" Method for Improving Dream Recall

Edgar Reyes's picture

This exercise will increase your capacity for recalling dreams in the morning.  I've used it several times myself when I noticed my dream recall wasn't as good as I wanted it.  You can expect results in 1 - 5 days.  Here's what you do:

When in bed, before you go to sleep, take 5 minutes and recap your whole day, from beginning to end, in your mind.  Try to be as detailed as you possibly can.  What did you do as soon as you woke up that morning?  What did you have for breakfast?  Did you have a conversation at breakfast?  What happened on your commute to work?  etc., etc.

That's it.  Comment below with your experiences in trying this method.  Thanks!

Glossary Terms: 
Edgar Reyes's picture

I recently shifted from recap'ing the events of my day (who did I see, where did I go, what did I do, etc.) with what I THOUGHT throughout the day (I had this interesting thought, I pondered this interesting idea, I considered a different way of looking at something, etc.). It (along with other things that I am doing) has created a startling difference in my dream life.