Hourly Affirmations About Being Out of Body

Edgar Reyes's picture

This set of instructions aim at bringing you greater awareness while in the dream state.  It is taken from William Buhlman's book Adventures Beyond the Body

Set an alarm for every hour.  When the alarm goes off, repeat to yourself with as much emotional intensity as you can muster up the following affirmations:

"I am out of body!"

"I demand full awareness now!"

"I demand full clarity now!"

It is important that you fully invest in the belief of what you're saying, for the thought habits we create in waking life carry over to our dream life with proportional intensity.  Buhlman says to give do this for 3-6 weeks and you should have an interesting experience.  Please post below any success or failure you have with it.

If you'd like to get more serious about dream experimentation, I strongly reccommend picking up a copy of Buhlman's book.

Glossary Terms: 
Edgar Reyes's picture

Wow, after two weeks of doing this exercise, last night something happened.  I'm not entirely sure what to make of it, but below is what I wrote in my journal.  Before getting into it I need to say that, in this experiment, I added one more affirmation to the end of the 3 listed above.  After demanding full clarity, I then looked up at the ceiling, wherever I was, and fully imagined myself flying up and through that ceiling.  So, with that, this is what happened:

I find myself in a temple with lots of people.  A friend is next to me, the ceiling is quite high, and a statue of a God is on the altar that everyone is facing and worshiping.  As I repeatedly prostrate myself towards the altar, I hear a voice that seems to come from a "Pastor" or something, yet I do not see anyone performing in that capacity.  The voice says, "The universal 'God' experience is played out at every point in space; you are one of these points and all of the stories relate to YOU; they are your life and what you are destined to live through." 

At that, I become absolutely elated and energized.  I look up at the high ceiling and I shoot up and blast right through it.  I begin to blast through ceiling after ceiling, feeling happier and happier.  After about 10 ceilings (what felt like 5 seconds in total), I start to become a little self aware.  "Wow, this is amazing! I'm going to have to tell my friend about this!"  Then I start wishing/hoping to hold on to this feeling, hoping it won't end.  At that, I begin to slow down... then I begin to descend.  I fall back down, ceiling after ceiling, till at last I'm back where I started.  My friend and I leave the temple -it's dark outside- and I tell him what happened.

Michael C. Willis's picture


Way to go Edgar!!!

Edgar Reyes's picture

Something new to report.  This is my journal entry from 2/21/2019. Please comment below:

For the last several days I've been setting a timer on my watch to go off every hour, and when it does I say to myself, "I'm out of body! Full awareness now! (Command)," and then I look at the ceiling, wherever I am, and I imagine myself going through it and standing on the roof on the other side.

Last night something happened.

I'm at a hotel in Waikiki right now. I didn't sleep well... But at around 4am, when I was getting back to sleep, the programming kicked in. "I'm out of body! I'm fully aware." Then I focused on moving up and through the ceiling... But it didn't happen. I got half way to the ceiling and just hovered there. 

Then I decided to focus on my heart. I had a vision of a large, circular passage way where something translucent was gushing inward (into me, I believe).  Then I saw my body hovering again and I began hearing and feeling loud vibrations throughout my body. I recognized this as Buhlman's "vibrational state". I reminded myself to stay calm, and the more I succeeded in staying calm, the more the vibrations spread throughout my body. After a little while, however, I began thinking about it too much, and began feeling myself slowly but surely coming back down to waking consciousness. Then I opened my eyes in my phsyical body.

In the middle of that, when the vibrations were increasing in intensity, my vision began changing quite interestingly (I think it was reflection on this that got me thinking too much). It began flashing back and forth from what I described above (me floating in my room) and something very, very different. It's even hard to describe... Shapes and objects that I couldn't quite discern; solid in color (dark and/or black), not moving at all; the background was orange and red.

Did I just peer into the subtle world around me?