vibrational state

During exercises to produce an out of body experience, this phase comes right before exteriorization from the physical body. It is experienced as intense vibrations, sometimes accompanied by humming or other vibrational noise. Popular understanding is that a person's consciousness is "changing frequencies" to be more attuned to the vibrational rate of the subtle world as opposed to that of the physical, where it normally resides. This change of vibrational rate causes the sensations described above. 

Some Results

dream flying

Over the past 2 months I’ve been working on consistently practicing some of the exercises I’ve read about in some of the books referenced by this site. The goal, of course, is having a fully conscious out of body experience when I lay down at night.

Suddenly, over the course of these last 2 months, I’ve had 5 “dreams” where I become fully aware that I am dreaming and that I am flying -or- having become conscious, I decide that I would like to fly, and I somehow begin doing so.

I’ve noticed a pattern that includes awareness, flying, and then the “vibrational state” that several authors referenced on this site say is an immediate precursor to an out of body experience. They say that the “vibrational state” is our experience of the subtle body’s vibration rate becoming out of phase with the physical body’s vibration rate. The next step is total dissociation and a “stepping out” (or floating out) of the subtle body from the physical.

Daily life (work, kids, etc.) certainly presents many challenges to the practice, but having flown more in the past 2 months than I have in the past 10 years is very exciting and satisfying. Each time has been an exhilarating learning experience.

Glossary Terms: 

Adventures Beyond the Body

Name of Review Item: 
Adventures Beyond the Body
Media Type: 
William Buhlman
Name of Reviewer: 
Edgar Reyes
Date of Review: 
November 4th, 2018

This book is essentially a guidebook for anybody who is ready to begin out of body exploration on their own. If you’ve read enough about the “astral plane”, or “other dimensions”, or “other modes of existence” and are ready to actually experience it for yourself, then you’ll want to pick this book up and begin following its instructions right away.

Many techniques are presented for your use, along with descriptions of what to expect along the way. The author also helps us understand what sort of mindset is most conducive to successful out-of-body experiences (OBEs). Hint: control of your thoughts is key.

He includes several journal entries from his early days of OBEs which really brought the reality of the possibility of out of body travel clearly into my mind. This was really exciting and motivating.

One critique is that, in the middle of the book, the author goes into his own theories and speculations on the nature of physics and reality that he has derived from his 20 years of OBEs quite extensively. While the ideas are compelling, provocative, and even quite convincing, I think that it might have been more effective to cut all that in half and instead provide more of his personal journal entries from his early OBEs, like the ones he copied for the reader in the first 2 chapters.

I also would have liked to learn more about how meditation helps one to achieve OBEs. The author did not go into any depth around this.

I am currently using his techniques and will update this book review once I have achieved success! He says to give it 30 days at least.