Edgar Reyes's blog

New Policies for New Members


New members now have the ability to begin posting in our Discussion Forum right away, upon account activation. This is a change to our existing policy and we're excited to see what unfolds.

Additionally, we have updated our Acceptable Use Policy as follows:

The following is our Acceptable Use Policy:
It is the aim of this forum to act as a community of those who have a sincere interest in learning about and applying different methods and techniques for exploring the Subtle Realm. In this community we strive to share our knowledge, experience, and wisdom in the spirit of mutual support and respect.

The following behavior is considered "acceptable participation" in the forum:
- free and open-minded discussion regarding the subtle realm or any books/articles/videos discussing the subtle realm, or collaborations in the investigation of the subtle realm

The following behavior is not considered "acceptable participation" in the forum:
- disrespect of fellow members
- solicitation of business in any form
- personal attacks on fellow members: this is to be distinguished from fair, open-minded, and respectful discussions in which participants are examining each others' methods or reasoning and in which agreement is not required

The following remedies will be followed in the event that unacceptable behavior is exhibited by a member(-s):
- in the case of an uncivil exchange between two forum members: the forum members will be warned by the Moderators to take the discussion off-line and work out an agreement of mutual tolerance before posting further exchanges
between them.
- in the case where an individual or individuals ignore the warning of the Moderators he/she or they will be placed on "moderated status" for one month. During that time all messages from the individual(-s) will be monitored: those which are in keeping with the advice of the Moderators will be posted; any messages not in keeping with the advice of the Moderators will be deleted.

We hope that these new changes/updates will help foster greater discussions among the members here.

IN THE LAND OF DREAMS - by Yogananda

This piece of writing makes my heart glow and my mind soar. Oh, the possibilities! Oh, how wonderful it would be to be so free from my daily troubles, worries, obsessions that nothing could bind me to this form, these thoughts, this name. All that would remain would be soaring through space with a heart full of love and joy. Enjoy!



Each night, as my Spirit roams
In spheres of slumber vast,
I become a hermit and renounce
My title, body-form, possessions, creeds-
Breaking the self-erected prison walls
Of flesh and earthly limitations
I am an all-pervading Son of God,
No longer caged in brittle, dingy clod,
Nor tied by tangible cords of birth,
Or man-made smallness, social standing
And duty-shadows of earth.

There in sleep land's ether eternal,
I have no country, no homeland dear;
Nor am I Hindu nor Christian seer;
Nor Occidental nor Oriental,
Race-bound behind the bars of inheritance.
In Dreamland s limitless acres,
My Spirit revels in freedom-
Its only religion freedom-
Gypsying gaily there,
Pilfering, joy from everywhere.
There, no lording god o'er shadows me,
For there is none but Myself to rule myself.
Behold, the slave-god hath become the God!
The sleeping mortal, the awakened, deathless Lord!

An unseen, unheard God am I,
Drinking, breathing gladness;
Gliding in winged glory
Through the endless land!
Free from harming fears
Or possible crash and shattered skull.
No solids there to give me hurt,
No liquids to drown me deep;
No vile, dank vapors to choke me,
No fire my unseen form to burn.

Free from e'en the memory
Of a fragile body-dream,
O'er all space am I spread.
All things am I!
How, then, could aught
Dare injure me?
The heart of the big Myself
Would break
If it should strike
The little myself.
Unknown to others, but known to Myself,
I wake and walk and dream,
Eat and drink ang glide to Joy.
I Myself am the Joy which I so sought-

And I am that Joy which everyone seeks.
So little, ah, so little was I
When I dreamt in my sleepy-wakefulness.
Boundless big am I when I am awake
In my sleepless-wakefulness!

Dreams Guided Her Cancer Treatment

I just finished reading this article on the New York Times’ website: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/26/opinion/cancer-treatment-dreams.html (sorry, it’s behind a pay wall).

In summary, this young woman is highly distraught over finding out she had metastatic breast cancer. Because she was so young (36), the doctors had a hard time recommending chemo and radiation treatments to her, because of the known, long-term, harmful side-effects they generally incur on a patient. They told her that, if it were their decision to make, they would be “50/50”, which is a nice way of saying, “I don’t know”.

In this piece, the author presents 3 dreams she had over the course of her cancer episode that led her along down her course of treatment:

  1. A dream of two helicopters crash landing on a freeway, directly in front of her. This dream convinced her that she aught to have a mammogram done to check whether a lump she had found 9 months earlier was cancer or not (doctors at the time had said it was a benign cyst).
  2. In another dream, she was carrying 2 jugs with which to put out a fire in her apartment, but only 1 of those jugs had water in it, which happened to be enough to put out the fire. This dream convinced her to have a single mastectomy instead of a double mastectomy, because “one was enough”.
  3. The last dream was one of all darkness except for the voice of an American man who simply said, “You must continue with radiation.” When a decision was needed to “boost” the strength of the radiation therapy to kill some potential metastasized cancer that came up on a scan, this dream convinced her to move ahead with that course of action.

I’m not entirely sure what to make of all this. Certainly, the conclusions drawn about dreams 1 and 2 may be her waking mind eagerly looking for meaning where there might not be any. I mean, she was emotional, desperate, and looking for answers. She could have read more into them than was there. Maybe she already had a gut feeling of what she should do, and these dreams gave her a sense of justification to move forward with that course of action. Maybe they were generated by her heightened state of anxiety. But, on the other hand, I have had situations where I was desperate to find the right course of action, and similar allegorical scenes in my dreams seemed to provide answers. Is there something deep down in our consciousness that responds to a deep and sincere plea for help?

The third dream leaves much less room for subjective interpretation. Where did that voice come from? From within? Or from without? The extra radiation did kill the cancer, but it left her with heart failure that she will need to treat for the rest of her life. What was the motive of the owner of that voice? Did this result in more good than harm?

I only have questions. I’ll keep working on my dreams in the meantime.

Please leave comments below.

Glossary Terms: 

A New Bed. Better Sleep. More Dreams.

Novaform memory foam mattress

I really didn't know what I was missing out on. Also, I'm glad I finally did it!

I got a new bed. It's a memory foam mattress and it is changing my (dream) life. No joke. 

I suffered with a bed that was too firm for 3 years! Part of the reason I persisted in keeping it, despite the tossing and turning and waking up 1-2 times a night to change positions, is that I had spent quite a bit of money on it in the first place; also, I always held out hope that it would eventually "break in" and be more comfortable. Oh, what a mistake that was! 

The worst part about having an uncomfortable bed is that I had a hard time settling into a state that promoted dreaming. Over the last 3 years, I really did not dream too much or remember them. I think the awareness of my physical discomfort while asleep kept my consciousness tied too closely to the physical.

With my new Novaform memory foam mattress, I feel like I'm floating on a cloud! I rarely -if ever- wake up in the middle of the night to get more comfortable. I usually sleep all the way through the night! And the best part: I have SO many more dreams now. It's as if I can forget my body more easily now and be more present in the dream state. The last couple of nights I've had more self-awareness and self-possession in my dreams than I have had in a very long time. I feel like my dream life is back!

Do you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night to roll over or turn on your side? Maybe it's time to try out one of these wonderful memory foam mattresses :)


Meeting an Old Friend in a Dream and in Reality

meeting old friends

Something interesting happened to me this morning.

I dreamt of meeting up with an old friend that I haven't seen for over 5 years. We were very coridal in the dream, saying things like, "Wow, when was the last time we saw each other?" And recalling the get together at his house 5 years prior. 

That was the last dream I had before waking. When I went to check my phone, I found that I had been added to a group chat with this individual.

So, after 5 years of not having heard from this person, then suddenly a dream and then a real-life connection. 

Can it be just a coincidence? If not, then how is something like this explained?

I would really like to know.
