Reviews of External Material

Image Title Stars Name of Reviewer Tags
The Importance of Mindset - William Buhlman 3 Edgar Reyes
Sleep Tracker on Samsung Watch 6 4 Edgar Reyes
Group Dreaming: Dreams to the Tenth Power 4 Edgar Reyes group dreaming
Subtle Realm Experience Beats Cancer in Woman 4 Michael C. Willis subtle world, dreams
Awoken App - A Tool to Help Induce Lucid Dreaming 3 Michael C Willis lucid dreaming
A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming: Mastering the Art of Oneieronautics 4 Edgar Reyes lucid dreaming
Remee Sleep Mask for Lucid Dreaming 3 Edgar Reyes
Journeys Out of the Body 2 Edgar Reyes subtle body, subtle world, out-of-body experience, OBE
Scientists Communicate in Real Time With People Who Are Asleep Michael C. Willis lucid dreaming, REM sleep
Possible Relationship Between Subtle Bodies and Near Death Experiences 5 Michael C. Willis
SPOOK -- Science Tackles the Afterlife 5 Thom Hanson
Dreamland - Adventures in the Strange Science of Sleep 4 Thom Hanson
Group Dreaming – Dreams to the Tenth Power 4 Thom Hanson
Life After Life 4 Edgar Reyes near-death experience, NDE
Projection of the Astral Body 5 Edgar Reyes astral projection, subtle body, subtle world
How out-of-body experiences could transform yourself and society 3 Edgar Reyes
A Report on a Specific Out-of-Body Technique 3 Edgar Reyes out-of-body experience, OBE
What Dreams May Come - Life After Death 5 Edgar Reyes afterlife, subtle world
William Buhlman at the Monroe Institute 4 Edgar Reyes out-of-body experience, OBE
The Link Between Sleep and Death - OBE's, NDE's, and Sleep Paralysis 3 Michael C. Willis subtle world, subtle body, energy bodies, out-of-body experience, OBE, near-death experience, NDE
The Study and Practice of Astral Projection 3 Thom Hanson
Coco: Taking a Deeper Look 5 Edgar Reyes subtle world, subtle body, astral plane, afterlife
Review of Seven-year Scientific Study on Meditation 5 Michael C. Willis
Sleep Apnea and Nightmare Recall 4 Michael C. Willis polysomnography, OSA - Obstructive Sleep Apnea
The Sixth Sense - Movie Review 5 Michael C. Willis subtle world, astral plane
Recalling and Forgetting Dreams: Theta and Alpha Oscillations during Sleep Predict Subsequent Dream Recall 4 Michael C. Willis REM sleep, dreams
State- or trait-like individual differences in dream recall: preliminary findings from a within-subjects study of multiple nap REM sleep awakenings 5 Michael C. Willis dreams, REM sleep, electroencephalogram, brainwaves
There could be a light that never goes out. The metaphysical possibility of disembodied existence 4 Edgar Reyes afterlife
The Tibetan Book of the Dead, Translated by Robert A. F. Thurman 4 Michael C. Willis bardo, karma, karmic life cycle, Sanskrit, consciousness
Dreams - What They Are And How They Are Caused 4 Edgar Reyes dreams, consciousness, subtle body
Adventures Beyond the Body 4 Michael C. Willis out-of-body experience, OBE
Adventures Beyond the Body 5 Edgar Reyes astral plane, out-of-body experience, OBE, vibrational state