Adventures Beyond the Body

Name of Review Item: 
Adventures Beyond the Body
Media Type: 
William Buhlman
Name of Reviewer: 
Michael C. Willis
Date of Review: 
October 22nd, 2018

Before I read this book, I was skeptical about the intent behind the subject matter. Was the author just trying to make a fast buck by playing on my desire to know more about a subject that no one has really proven anything about? But my suspicions were quickly put away after the first couple of chapters.

There is no speculation or theory - Buhlman simply shares his personal diary or dream journal entries with the reader. His writing is very straightforward and he has a way of presenting his experiences that seems very real, factual. There is nothing that seems like "New Age" speculation or colorful window dressing, just the raw experience of a man who seems to possess the incredible talent of being able to leave his physical body (Out-of-Body Experience) at will and explore the dream-world in full consciousness.

I have to say that while his chapters about physics and black holes are interesting and that some of his scientific theories seem plausible, they are not the reason why I bought the book. I tended to skim these chapters and take them with a grain of salt instead of reading intently the way I did with the out-of-body descriptions and instructions. I actually found myself excited when he got down to the brass tacks of how to accomplish it.

Although I have not yet had an out-of-body experience the way Buhlman describes, I can report that after practicing his instructions for only a couple of weeks I've noticed that I am remembering my dreams more often and that they seem clearer. The fact that he has had success training people to do this in his workshops gives me hope that this work will pay off. I'm going to continue to practice his exercises, tips, and techniques and see what happens.

I would recommend this book to anyone who has an interest in this subject and wants to hear from someone who has been there. To me, Adventures Beyond the Body is like a no-nonsense how-to manual for out-of-body travel that I intend to follow until I get some results.