About Us
At our SubtleRealm site you may notice there are no ads. That’s because this is not a commercial site. Creation and maintenance of this site is done completely by our own efforts and out of our own pockets. On our pages you will find links to other sites that allow you to look at the source of a paper on scientific research of these topics or to a place where you could buy a book we’ve done a review of or perhaps a place where you can view a video we’ve written about. Or maybe we’ve found some great little gadget or app that we like and think it might help you in your efforts to learn about and directly explore lucid dreaming for instance. Not a single one of those links is in any way connected with or results in us earning revenues from referrals. Not a single one is motivated by a desire to turn our site into another way to produce an income stream so we could go off and spend it doing things diametrically opposed to the things we write about and support. If we suggest some method or something we’ve found that we’re enthusiastic about it won’t be because we’re distorting and hyping it just to get you to go click somewhere and then be deluged by predatory ads. In our opinion there are scores of sites out there that take great ideas turn them into fodder for commerce and systematically go about distorting beyond recognition the real meanings and truths of those ideas. Ultimately the search for truth becomes monetized and destroyed in the process. We will not do that.
We do not collect nor sell personal information. We track activity at the site in order to see where the greatest interests lie and where we can best be of service. That’s it.
We hope you enjoy and take advantage of this opportunity to explore a very important part of the human potential we all have. Our site is dedicated to those who are always looking for more who think outside the box and who have the courage and drive and are willing to “do the experiment” to discover some of the most meaningful aspects of our existence.
We enjoy hearing from folks and appreciate constructive feedback and ideas.
With best regards,
Thom Edgar Michael
Copyright © 2025, SubtleRealm