It's about time ...
Submitted by Thom Hanson on Wed, 01/30/2019 - 09:47IT'S INTERESTING TO TRY TO TRANSLATE ACTIVITY WE HAVE IN THE SUBTLE WORLD INTO PHYSICAL TIME. It seems as through it takes almost no time to become absent-minded and suddenly physically start after having a brief glimpse of something unknown or unfamiliar. This is something that happens to me all the time. Earthly clocks may mark off only a few seconds during this time yet a complete impression of something else has formed in the consciousness. Although we typically associate going into this next world when we fall asleep it may very well be that such events occur more than we realize at any time of the day during normal waking hours. This is sometimes accompanied by a very brief feeling of vertigo. Though the circumstances in the impressions may be unfamiliar yet it seems the consciousness has rushed to some object or place of interest without any of the encumbrances of physically moving from point A to B. There's a certain timelessness about the whole thing. Curious!