Heightened Senses (or) Seeing is Believing

I have a dream experience I would like to share. It has to do with heightened senses while in the Subtle World.
I was in a place where almost everything around me was white and brightly lit. I was in the midst of what I now believe to be a kind of classroom situation, although I do not recall seeing any other pupils or anything even remotely resembling a classroom around me.
The reason I believe it was a teaching situation is that I was being shown various plants with insects climbing around on them. I can remember that the plants were very, very green. This made it somewhat difficult to see the insects - also green - crawling around on them. The insects were being pointed out to me by someone, although I cannot remember who this person is. What I do recall is this: when I concentrated on seeing the insects, they appeared to me as if they were under a magnifying glass or even a microscope. I could zoom in and out with my own sense of sight (without using any sort of apparatus), and I really got a good look at one of the bugs.
The funny thing is, when I figured out how to do this, I saw that the insects were not insects at all, but tiny robots engineered to look and act like insects. I could see the tiny mechanisms in the legs, wings, and even the eyes. I somehow even knew how they worked, but I cannot explain why. I am not a robotics engineer and would have no idea how to even begin to build something as astonishing as those little creatures.
Has anyone else ever experienced anything like this, where one (or more) of your senses were heightened while dreaming? I can't imagine I'm the only one, and it leads me to wonder about how the senses work in the Subtle World.
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