Unusual appearances and juxtapositions
REGARDING CORRELATING SYMBOLISM WITH PHYSICAL WORLD EVENTS ... I have often throughout the years noticed things in my dreams which seemed to have a significance other than the normal face value. For example a common object might be much larger than in everyday life, or it might be colored differently from normal, or placed in some very unusual location, or juxtaposed with something it would otherwise never be found with. Or I might find myself in some circumstances but the clothing I was wearing was completely the wrong kind for the occasion, or might be from some other period of history. Another very common experience is that there might be someone present in a dream who is playing the role of some family member or friend, and has all the familiarity feelings mannerisms and actions of that person but when looking at him or her he or she is clearly not that person. Reflecting on these circumstances or related events after awakening there would often become apparent some meaning other than that given by the appearances. Having kept dream journals for years these would often be noted and then I would simply watch what develops in my life to see if something comes to pass that shows a correlation between the dream and the rest of my life. Often something would later happen that would become quite clear. For instance, once I saw in a dream a large building with multiple rows of windows of about three stories' height on a building but the odd thing was the building was in the middle of a local bay. And the building was smoking and on fire. A house floating in the middle of the water; very out of place and strange for sure. But a few days after that there was a fire at the ferry terminal. In the dream it was no building but was the large broad side of a ferry with the rows of windows of the multiple decks. This turned out to be a case of seeing something that reflected impending events in the physical world. There have been numerous other observations and recollections that afterwards correlated with events that took place from anywhere within a day or so to a few years after. Fortunately I made notes of these and was able to develop over time a sense of the way these things were observed in the subtle world. In most cases there was nothing personal or any direct connection to me or my life but it was fortunate they were noted and could be correlated afterwards. I recommend for those who are sincerely working at developing a greater awareness of our lives in the subtle world that a journal or notebook be kept. Over time the quality of types of events and the quality of the way things are observed and occur becomes apparent and the relation between them and other parts of life can become more discernable.
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Edgar Reyes
Sat, 03/10/2018 - 18:44
Wow, thanks Thom!
Wow, thanks Thom! I'd been slippin on my journaling, but I'm back on it now!