
The Importance of Mindset - William Buhlman

Name of Review Item: 
Creating an Effective Explorers Mindset
Media Type: 
William Buhlman
Name of Reviewer: 
Edgar Reyes
Date of Review: 

In this 15 minute video, experienced out-of-body practitioner William Buhlman shares what he believes is the most important key to success in out of body experiences (OBEs). This, he says, is the “courageous explorer” mindset.

According to Buhlman, courageous explorers expect to make wonderous discoveries; they expect enlightening experiences. They take responsibility for their consciousness, thoughts, and their creative power. They take a commanding role in their experience and ask questions of anything and everything in the subtle realm. They know they are immortal and so they reject all doubt, despair, and fear.

Buhlman asserts that fear, and fear-based ideas and philosophies, block travel and exploration in the subtle realm -you can’t get very far if every new experience triggers a fear response.

It has been said: you are what you think. And according to Buhlman, nowhere else is this more true than in the subtle realm, where the whole environment reacts instantaneously to your thoughts and will.

Buhlman exemplifies this mindset throughout his presentation, where he projects himself as a commanding, confident, and self-empowered character. He appears to have routed out all fear, doubt, and despair from his consciousness. He believes with all his heart that our consciousness, and the exercise of that consciousness, is the only thing that truly matters while we are alive on the physical plane. The author of this review agrees with Buhlman that consciousness is the only thing we take with us after death and our level of mastery of it determines our experience in the subtle realm both during sleep and after death.

In my personal experience, I have found that this sort of mindset is, in fact, of primary importance. However, equally as important is the ability to relax your body and mentally and emotionally “let go” at the right time. In my experience, the subtle realm does not react well to an overly forceful imposition of will. Things either go completely haywire, or I inadvertently wake myself up.

It is interesting that Buhlman seems to think that everything in the subtle realm is “inside” of you. Even though he calls it “out of body exploration” he repeatedly insists that you are exploring your own depths and, additionally, that you create the whole scene(s) yourself. For all his talk about “enhancing your state of consciousness”, I am surprised he didn’t say anything about stopping your own thinking. Theoretically, if you can stop your own thinking while in the subtle world, then you can stop the generation of artifacts therein. When that happens, then maybe you can see what is really there -not what your mind spontaneously generates.  

Despite these 2 items, I found this 15 minute video very informative and thought provoking and I think it is worth a watch!

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