out-of-body experience, OBE

Sometimes called 'lucid dreaming' or 'astral projection', an Out of Body Experience (or OBE) is the experience of being fully conscious and functioning while being outside one's physical body. People who have experienced this often report sensations of floating, perceiving one's own physical body from a different place, and being able to direct or control one's experiences by using thoughts.

Journeys Out of the Body

Name of Review Item: 
Journeys Out of the Body
Media Type: 
Robert Monroe
Name of Reviewer: 
Edgar Reyes
Date of Review: 
August 17, 2022

Robert Monroe had countless out-of-body experiences throughout his lifetime. In this, his first book, he takes us through the early days of the discovery, development, and maturation of his special talent.

In the beginning, he worried a great deal about whether something was wrong with him or not. He sought hard to find an explanation as to what was happening to him. Wherever he looked, however, it always seemed that people had more questions than answers. Eventually he came to accept that he was, for the most part, on his own to explore, discover, and document these unusual experiences that he was having.  

On the back cover, the book promises to be a scientific and objective report of out-of-body/subtle-world experiences. Despite that promise, I found there too be too many opinions and overly imaginative interpretations of the facts. More on that later, but for now, let’s talk about how Monroe maps out the landscape of the area we inhabit when out of body.

The body we inhabit when outside of our physical body, he calls the “second body”. That is what we call here the “subtle body” and what has been called “astral body” in other literature. Once in the “second body”, there are 3 main regions it may travel to:

  1. “Locale I” – A.K.A. the “here-now”. This is essentially the physical plane. All the things, people, and places one sees here are actual existing items in the physical world. Monroe recounts several experiences in which he traveled to different physical places while in his subtle body and then successfully relating events that took place there with astonishing accuracy.
  2. “Locale II” – As best I can tell, this is what he calls the subtle realm. He says that its most defining feature is its likeness and responsiveness to thought: “Superceding all appears to be one prime law. Locale II is a state of being where that which we label thought is the wellspring of existence. It is the vital creative force that produces energy, assembles “matter” into form, and provides channels of perception and communication … As you think, so you are.” (p. 74) And he continues, “’Mere’ thought is the force that supplies any need or desire, and what you think is the matrix of your action, situation, and position in this greater reality … Like attracts like … Your destination seems to be grounded completely within the framework of your innermost constant motivations, emotions, and desires.” (p. 74-75)
  3. “Locale III” – This is where things get a little kooky. Monroe’s thesis on “Locale III” is the main reason for me giving this book a 2-star rating. The characteristics he ascribes to do not even remotely resemble anything we’ve read on our extensive “references” page. As far as we can tell he is the only one to assert that in this section of the subtle realm is a “reverse image” reality in which we all have “doubles”, or doppelgangers, living out their own lives in an entirely different alternate reality. When he visits there, he “pops” into the body of his “double” and takes control of it, often at inopportune times for his double, like arguments with his spouse, for example. Monroe says he “popped” into his double’s body, and not knowing why he and his spouse were fighting in the first place, simply returned blank stares and looks of discomfort and confusion. Monroe laments that he caused his double much trouble and anguish for these intrusions into his life. His double eventually divorced and led a solitary, lonely life. Personally, I believe this is a completely fabricated illusion.

In addition to the weirdness of his “Locale III” fantasy, he had a few other oddball interpretations of his experiences in the book that also don’t align with anything else we’ve read and reviewed here at subtlerealm.org. One of which is his description of what “God” is like in Locale II. It one of the was strangest things I have ever heard and it was not something that was even close in resembling anything I’ve come across in any of my other readings.

This book can be very misleading for beginners. One should read this book with great care, finely discriminating between what Monroe actually experienced and his interpretations of those experiences.

It is worth pointing out that, as he himself writes, his experiences began at the same time he had suffered from a mild coronary and when he was under the influence of drugs. This suggests physical and mental imbalance.

Notwithstanding the many oddities, there is still a lot of value in this book. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about his many different experiences and experiments and the need to address and resolve one’s emotional challenges before it is possible to make much progress in the subtle realm. He also gives many tips on how to develop this talent whin oneself. His telling of the stages he went through as his talent developed was most valuable.

In conclusion, while I don’t doubt Robert Monroe regularly and consistently left his physical body and explored the subtle realm in his subtle body, his book contains too many opinions dressed up as facts and this could severely mislead people who are just starting to learn about existence out of the physical body. I was lucky to have read this book after reading several other books about this topic before picking this one up. I suggest beginners do the same.


You Snooze, You Might Not Lose

Michael C. Willis's picture

Most adults, during sleep, begin a dream period called REM sleep every 1.5 hours or so. During REM sleep, your Subtle World experiences (dreams) can get very intense. Breathing and heart rates go up and your physical brain is more active. According to William Buhlman in his book Adventures Beyond the Body, one of the best times to have an out-of-body experience (OBE) is early in the morning “after two or three REM periods (three to five hours) have passed”. He goes on to say, “The scientific correlation between REM periods and out-of-body experiences is yet to be confirmed; however, reports linking the two are commonplace”. 

My experience has been that I tend to remember dreams more often during the above mentioned times, and more generally, after waking up and going back to sleep. Sometimes I’ll wake up to roll over and get comfortable, sometimes it’s a bathroom visit, but typically I do find that Buhlman’s information is correct in that I remember my dreams more often at these times. If you are interested in a technique of his that utilizes these facts to induce out-of-body experiences, I highly suggest reading the book for details, but just know that it takes a fair amount of discipline to follow the instructions, but success in having an OBE is more likely. 

If you aren’t quite ready to dive into the deep end with that, here’s something to consider, as it doesn’t take much effort at all. I myself have had very vivid dreams after hitting the snooze button on the alarm clock. Yep - right after saying (sometimes out loud), “Ugh, just 10 more minutes!”. For most people this is a very mundane part of the day that rarely gets attention, but it could be the best part if you use your time wisely.

When you hit the snooze button on your alarm, phone, chicken, whatever the device, you will re-enter sleep with a consciousness that is just a little closer to the waking state by reason of you just having been awake moments ago. Your brain will be more active (and thus more aware) compared to the deep sleep you may experience just before a REM period. This is the perfect time to use your targeting technique to have an OBE. It may take some practice - be dedicated and your persistence will pay off.

Give it a shot. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. If you meet with any success please post about it here and describe your experience to inspire and share with others!

A Report on a Specific Out-of-Body Technique

Name of Review Item: 
Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process
Media Type: 
Name of Reviewer: 
Edgar Reyes
Date of Review: 

The Gateway Process is a collection of techniques, practices, and methods taught by the Monroe Institute for achieving altered states of consciousness up to and including out-of-body experiences.  In practice, it’s composed of a set of audio recordings that induce deep relaxation, mental clarity and focus, and an opening up to new experiential possibilities.

The author of this paper gives a tremendous amount of insight into the mechanics of how and why he believes the Gateway Process works, states several claims by others who have achieved those states of consciousness, yet curiously never discusses whether or not he himself had any of the described experiences.  Anyhow, he gives a very thorough background for the Gateway Process by using and explaining concepts from physics, quantum mechanics, theoretical physics, and by discussing related means for achieving altered states of consciousness such as hypnosis and transcendental meditation. 

The Gateway Process centers around “tapes” that induce “Hemisphere-Synchronization” in the brain of their listeners.  Once the left and right brain are in sync, then the tapes begin to gradually increase the frequency (energy level) of the sounds which lead directly to an increase in the functioning frequencies of the brain and consciousness.  This makes the mind more sensitive to (and resonant with) “higher planes” of existence.  That is, as normal human beings we all only perceive objects and energies which are similar in frequency to the naturally emitted frequencies of our own consciousness.  For most of us, that means physical reality.  However, by raising the frequency/energy-levels of our consciousness, we may begin to see beyond the limits of the physical and deeper into the sea of vibrations, energies, and frequencies which constitute the entire universe.

I was very impressed with this paper over all.  Though I felt the author had an over-reliance on one scientists (Itzhak Bentov) for most of his scientific models (biological, cosmological, physical, and non-physical), it still made a whole lot of sense to someone like me who has been searching for the Truth through science and spirituality for decades.  I think this paper is well worth the time and effort needed to read it.

I give this paper a 3 because I didn't see any hugely credible sources in the references, although, we all know that there are none in this field. 

In the near future, I will further investigate the Gateway Process, experiment with some of its methods, and report my findings and experiences on this site. 

Some of the “tapes” are already available on youtube.    

Re-Reading Adventures Beyond the Body: How to Experience Out-of-Body Travel

Adventures Beyond the Body book

The first time I read Willam Buhlman's book, Adventures Beyond the Body: How to Experience Out-of-Body Travel, this "subtle realm" stuff was all absolutely new to me and I thought it was all theoretical or speculative.  I mean, he talks about being fully conscious and aware of being out of his physical body, of flying into space and changing forms, of seeing deceased relatives and having full conversations with them and with spirit guides.  

Since that reading, I have done several of the practices outlined in that book and have had 2 or 3 experiences of my own (related here and here).  

I am now re-reading this book and and it is helping me describe some of the things I've seen and experiences I've had.  It has a much more practical feel and is giving me even more ideas and inspiration.  It really can be done.  I have just barely scratched the surface of out of body exploration, but I know it's possible and am eager and ready to continue my explorations.  I have already begun putting the practices into place in my daily life, so I hope to have more to report soon.  A whole world of exploration awaits!

William Buhlman at the Monroe Institute

Name of Review Item: 
William Buhlman Talk
Media Type: 
William Buhlman
Name of Reviewer: 
Edgar Reyes
Date of Review: 

This is an incredible talk.

This is a guy who has explored the non-physical dimensions of the universe for over 40 years. He's an experienced explorer of these realms and what he has to tell us can rock our world. Some of the biggest things I got from this video were:

  • The belief systems that promise to liberate us and take us to heaven actually do the opposite: they bind us to the physical reality and hold us back from real freedom.
  • Learning out of body techniques and how to navigate (knowing the rules) of the non-physical dimensions is absolutely essential to learn here and now while we have a physical body so that we know what we're doing once we no longer have a body
  • Lucid dreaming is a step in the right direction. With a little effort and practice, lucid dreams can BECOME out of body experiences
  • If the Earth happened to blow up at this very moment, NO ONE WOULD DIE! We are not biological machines, we only USE biological machines.

There is so much more. Please take the time to watch this video if the above has interested you even a little.
